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BAM Group headquarters Landscape

Year: 2013

  • Area: 350 ㎡
  • location: Tehran, Iran
  • Status: Built
  • Design Team:
    Lead Landscape Architects: Morteza Adib, Maryam Yousefi Design Team: Sadaf Deilami

Completed in 2013, the landscape design for the headquarters building of Bam Group in Tehran was aimed at showcasing the technical expertise of the construction group while providing maximum green space and vegetation for employees to rest and hold limited meetings on private days and weekends.

The primary challenge for the design team was working with the green roof built on top of the parking lots, which accounted for about 70% of the landscape. Despite this, the design team was able to provide sufficient growing space for trees and plants, creating a lush and vibrant environment that seamlessly combines functionality and beauty.